Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Brussles Ethiopian Historical March! Nightmare at the Woyyane Embassy (Wondimu Mekonnen)

The Brussles Ethiopian Historical March! Nightmare at the Woyyane Embassy
Wondimu Mekonnen (PhD)
November 10, 2014
Nightmare at the Woyyane Embassy
The Woyyane (The TPLF) is a terrorist organisationi that is holding Ethiopia at ransom. Since the these criminals came to power, nothing changed in their wild behaviour. They were terrorists yesterday, they are terrorists today and unless they are stopped now, they wouldn’t change their behaviour in the future. The worsening brutality of the ethno-apartheid Woyyane (i.e. ethnic based black on black apartheid) regime has left Ethiopians with no option but to come together and resist tyranny of the worst kind in their history. As crackdown on the opposition members, journalists, religious leaders (both Christians and
የቤተክርስቲያንን መፍረስ የተቃወሙት ተደበደቡ
በቦሌ ክፍለከተማ ወረዳ 11 በለሚ አካባቢ የምትገኘው ማሪያም ቤተከርስቲያን በህገወጥ መንገድ ተሰርታለች በሚል ፖሊሶች ለማፍረስ ሲሄዱ ህዝቡ ባሰማው ተቃውሞ ከፍተኛ ጉዳት መድረሱ ታውቋል።
ድርጊቱን የተቃወሙ ምእመናን "ቤተክርስቲያኑዋን ማፍረስ አትችሉም" ማለት ሲጀምሩ ፖሊሶች መደብደብ የጀመሩ ሲሆን፣ ህዝቡም በአጸፋው በፖሊሶችና በወረዳው አስተዳዳሪ ላይ ድንጋይ በመወርወር የተወሰኑ ፖሊሶችን አቁስሏል። የወረዳው አስተዳዳሪም ጉዳት ደርሶባቸው አምልጠዋል።
ወደ አካበባው በፍጥነት የደረሰው የፌደራል ፖሊስ፣ በቀጥታ የሃይል እርምጃ በመውሰዱ በርካቶች አካላዊ ጉዳት ደርሶባቸዋል። በስፍራው የነበሩ የአይን እማኞች እንደሚሉት ፌደራል ፖሊሶች በተደጋጋሚ ጥይቶችን ተኩሰዋል። ይሁን እንጅ በብረት ዱላ የምእመኑን እግር በመምታት ከፍተኛ ጉዳት አድርሰዋል ( )

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

ome » Esat » ESAT Report on the Huge Protest in Brussels, the Capital of Belgium ESAT Report on the Huge Protest in Brussels, the Capital of Belgium Posted by: admin Tags: Posted DATE: November 7, 2014 | No comment

November 7, 2014
Click the image below to watch the report.
Brassles AAAA

Response to References made about Ginbot 7 in the Report of the Monitoring Group of Somalia and Eritrea (here after SEMG), Pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 2111 (2013).

TO: The United Nations Security Council Sanctions Committee
FROM: Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy.
DATE: October 27, 2014
SUBJECT: Response to References made about Ginbot 7 in the Report of the Monitoring Group of Somalia and Eritrea (here after SEMG), Pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 2111 (2013).
Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy expresses its high regards to The United Nations Security Counciland would like to use this opportunity and bring to the attention its reservations regarding some references made about it in SEMG report of October 13, 2014.

1. The SEMG report states that “Ginbot 7 is a banned opposition group”. We would like to call the attention of the International Community to the infamous “Anti-Terrorism Proclamation” promulgated by the TPLF/EPRDF regime of Ethiopia with the aim of stifling political dissent. The dictatorial regime has used this proclamation as an instrument to label and criminalize Ginbot 7, as well as other political opposition organizations, human rights advocacy groups, civil society, journalists and bloggers inside and outside of Ethiopia.

2. Let alone the claim in the report that Ginbot 7 was established in 2005, which is categorically false, even the so-called Anti-Terrorism Proclamation was not promulgated until 2009.

Ginbot 7 was formed in 2008 after few members among its leadership spent almost two years in prison in the aftermath of the ill-fated election of May 15, 2005. As well known by the International community, the regime overturned the election results that clearly showed the opposition party Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD) has won the majority throughout the country. This is a fact corroborated by international election observes such as the European Union’s Election MONITORING Group that was present in Ethiopia to observe the election in 2005. Those who formed Ginbot7, then leaders of the CUD, were among the leaders thrown in prison on trumped up charges.

Ginbot 7 was formed as a political movement in order to advance justice, freedom, and liberal democracy in Ethiopia. Ginbot 7 believes that no meaningful and genuinely competitive elections can take place in the country due to the prevailing and ever worsening egregious human rights violations, the closing of political space, the harassment and persecution of members of the legal and peaceful political opposition. Furthermore, an entrenched minority ethnocratic dictatorship in Ethiopia has determined to perpetuate its hold on power by all and any means necessary.

3. SEMG’s claim in the report that Ginbot 7 was established by “Amhara elites” is grossly erroneous given the ethno-religious mix of its leadership and membership. The report’s characterization of Ginbot 7 as an organization established by “Amhara elites” is not only factually inaccurate, but a clear indication of the bias of the report. It seems like SEMG has bought lock, STOCK and barrel the dictatorial regime’s fabricated story of Ethiopian politics as an entirely ethnic based phenomena.
The SEMG could have easily established the facts by taking a cursory look at Ginbot 7′s website rather than unquestioningly accepting the regime’s characterization with regard to Ginbot 7′s multi ethnic membership and leadership, its organizational principle and its well established position on ethnic based politics in Ethiopia. No effort seems to have been made by the SEMG to balance its report by counterchecking its claims from Ginbot 7 or other sources instead of recycling the minority regime’s long standing targeting and demonization of the Amharas, the second largest ethnic group in Ethiopia.

4. The SEMG, despite its familiarity with political conditions in the Horn of Africa, fails to realize what is very obvious to all regarding the TPLF/EPRDF regime’s agitation, use of threat, torture and at times bribery when presenting helpless prisoners under its custody to echo unfounded guilt they are coerced to rehearse for interviews and media presentations. Hence, presenting forced confessions and unreliable information from such prisoners as evidence is beyond comprehension.

5. The SEMG’s claim to have retrieved information from an alleged Ginbot 7 fighter captured in Gonder is no different from what is explained above.

6. SEMG’s reference in its report to weapons’ serial numbers to suggest the source of certain weapons as being from Eritrea, clearly neglects the fact that numerous prisoners of war, weapons and ammunitions have exchanged hands between Ethiopian and Eritrean forces during their numerous wars.
7. Needless to say that the SEMG has been manipulated to construe that Ginbot 7 needs to extend its recruitment to the southern tip of Africa, while what Ginbot 7 objectively faces is the capacity to accommodate the tens of thousands forcing their ways into its fold from amongst the millions who support it. These are Ethiopians from very diverse backgrounds seeking a genuinely liberal democratic and just order, freedom and equality which have been denied to them by the brutal dictatorial regime of the TPLF/EPRDF.

8. It is unfortunate to note that the SEMG has been misguided to misrepresent Ginbot 7’s prevailing organizational reality that clearly demarcates boundary between its own political bodies from that of other organizations that may have opted to attain their objectives by any other means they deem appropriate.
9. Ginbot 7 found the claim in the report regarding persons SEMG suggests were received by Andargachew Tsege upon their arrival in Asmara and who have “joined a group of 30 to 60 Ginbot 7 fighters at Harena Military Camp” comical, simply because the arithmetic percentile between 30 and 60 is 100% and hence too large a difference for any wrong guessing.

10. The SEMG clearly states in its report that it was unable to verify the claims of the alleged Ginbot 7 fighters, which begs the question, then, as to why the SEMG had to dwell in its defamatory claims and tarnish the image of Ginbot 7.
11. The same can be said about SEMG’s statement in its report regarding its inability to assess the extent of this unsubstantiated support as compared with Asmara’s support of Ginbot 7 in the past.

12. The SEMG seems to be deliberately overlooking or otherwise incognizant of TPLF/EPRDF regime’s well recorded expertise in passport, TRAVEL document, and other forms of forgeries going back to its days as a guerrilla force. Had this not been the case, understanding the nature of documents presented to it by the regime’s security officials, should not have been beyond the comprehension of the SEMG.

የህወሃቱን ፖለቲካ የአዋጁን በጀሮ!

ህወሃት በተፈጥሮው የፖለቲካ ብዙህነት ወይም ብዝሃነትን ማቻቻል የሚባል ነገር አያውቅም። ሌላው ቀርቶ በራሱ በድርጅቱ ውስጥ የሚነሱ የተለዩ ሃሳቦችን ሁሉ እንደጠላት ሃሳብ ፈርጆ ሰዎችን ደብዛቸውን ማጥፋት የተለመደ የህወሃት አሰራር ነው። ይህን የህወሃት ባህርይ በቅጡ ለመረዳት በቅርቡ የቀድሞው የህወሃት አመራር አባል የነበረው አቶ ገብሩ አስራት የጻፈው መጽሃፍ ጥቂት ገጾች በማየት መረዳት ይቻላል። ተቃዋሚ ፓርቲ ሰላማዊም ሆነ አልሆነ በህወሃት እንደጠላት ነው የሚቆጠረው።
ሰሞኑን ከትግራይ የህዝብና የመንግስት ግንኙነት ቢሮ ከሚባለው መስሪያ ቤት በትግረኛ ተጽፎ ለአባለት በሚስጥር የተሰራጨ ደብዳቤ ማንኛውምንም ተቃዋሚና ከህወሃት ውጭ የሚያስብና ህወሃትን የማይከተል ሁሉ “ፀላኢቲ” ጠላቶች ሲል ይፈርጃል። በዚህ ባለ 5 ገጽ ደብዳቤ ውስጥ እነዚህን “ፀላኢቲ” እንዴት እንደሚያሳድዱ፣ እንዴት እንደሚያዋክቡና እንደሚያጠፉ የሚመክር መመሪያ የሚሰጡ ሃሳቦች ተቀምጠዋል። በደብዳቤው ላይ ከአናቱ ሆነው የሚያስተዳደሩትን ወገናቸውን እንኳን አይለይም። በአጭሩ እኛ እንዳንመርጥ የሚፈልግ፣ የሚቀናቀንና ሌሎች ሰላማዊ ፓርቲወችን የሚመራና የሚደግፍ ሁሉ ፀላኢቲ ነው።
ይህ ለ2007 ዓ.ም የክትትል ስራ የተመደበው የህወሃት ቡድን ስራውን የሚያከናውነው ከታክስ ከፋዩ በሚገኝ የመንግስት ገንዘብ መሆኑ ይታወቃል።
ዘንድሮ የምርጫ አመት መሆኑን ተከትሎ የፀላኢቲ ክትትልና አፈና ከአሁን ተጠናክሮ በመካሄድ ላይ መሆኑም እየታየ ነው። ጠንካራ የተቃዋሚ ፓርቲ መሪዎች፣ ጋዜጠኞች፣ በየክልሉ ያሉ የተቃዋሚ ፓርቲ መሪዎችን ሁሉ በመታፈንና ወህኒ በመውረድ ላይ ናቸው።
የህወሃት ኢህአዴግ መሪዎች በአለም ዙሪያ ነጻነቴን የሚል የህዝብ ድምጽ በሰሙ ቁጥር የሚሰማቸውን ድንጋጤ የሚቀንሱት ዜጎችን በማፈን፣ በመግደል፣ በማሰቃየትና በማሰር ብቻ ነው።
ለህወሃት ምርጫና መድብለ ፓርቲ መልክን አሳምሮ ተቀባይነት ወደ ምእራባውያን ለልመና ለመውጫ እምጅ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ምርጫና የህዝብ ልእልና የሚባል ነገር ባጠገባቸው እንዲያልፍ ስለሚፈልጉ የሚያደርጉት አለመሆኑን በብዙ መንገዶች አሳይተውናል።
ከህወሃት ውጭ ያልህ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ሆይ አንተ ለወያኔ/ህወሃት ፀላኢቲ ጠላት ነህ። ወገኖቼ ብለህ የምታስብ ሁሉ ይህን የሚስጥር ደብዳቤያቸውን በማየት ብቻ ሳይሆን በተግባር አይተሃልና።
ያለህ ምርጫ እንደአባቶችህ፡-

የታፈኑት የተቃዋሚ ፓርቲ አመራሮች ወደ ማዕከላዊ መዛወራቸው ተሰማ

Tensaye ከአንድ ሳምንት በፊት በየ ክፍለ ሀገሩ በገዥው ፓርቲ የደህንነት ኃይሎች የታፈኑት የተቃዋሚ ፓርቲ አመራሮች ወደ ማዕከላዊ መዛወራቸውን የነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ምንጮች ገለጹ፡፡ በሰሜን ጎንደር ዞን የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ሰብሳቢ የሆነው አቶ አግባው ሰጠኝ እንዲሁም፤ በዚሁ በሰሜን ጎንደር ዞን የአንድነት ለዴሞክራሲና ለፍትህ ፓርቲ አመራር አቶ አንጋው ተገኝ በትናንትናው ዕለት ወደ ማዕከላዊ መዛወራቸውን የነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ምንጮች ጠቅሰዋል፡፡

Family of Upper Holloway man tell David Cameron: ‘Do more to free kidnapped Andy’

November 7, 2014
Andargachew ‘Andy’ Tsege, a father of three from London
Andargachew ‘Andy’ Tsege with Yemi and children
(Islington Tribune) THE PARTNERof a British man kidnapped by the Ethiopian government in June and facing execution has accused Prime Minister David Cameron of not doing enough to free him because of the African nation’s central role in the fight against terrorism.
Andargachew “Andy” Tsege, 59, a father of a 15-year-old daughter and ­seven-year-old twins who lives in Upper Holloway, was “rendered” by the Ethiopians while TRAVELLING through Yemen on his way to Eritrea in the summer.
He has not been seen since, except in a brief appearance on Ethiopian television in July in which he confessed to crimes. According to human rights organisation Reprieve, screaming can be heard in the background of the video.
Mr Tsege, a naturalised British citizen who has lived in London since 1979, is a respected and outspoken critic of the Ethiopian regime and a member of the exiled opposition group Ginbot 7. He has spoken about Ethiopia’s poor human rights record in front of the US Congress and the EU’s Committee on Human Rights.
The jazz fan was on his way to an opposition conference in Eritrea.
The UK Foreign Office has established that, after being taken in Yemen, he has since been removed to a prison in Ethiopia, but his exact location is unknown. The Ethiopians have so far denied any consular access to Mr Tsege, except for one visit.
His partner, Yemi Hailemariam, told the Tribune that she believes the UK government is not putting enough pressure on Ethiopia, a key ally in the war of terror.
“He came here in 1979 as a political refugee from the military dictatorship,” she said. “In 1991 the government changed, so he went back and was working with them for a couple of years. Then he realised they were no better so he returned to the UK.
“He was going to Eritrea transiting through Yemen on June  23 when he was kidnapped at Saana airport and rendered to Ethiopia. We are very, very worried about him.”
She added: “The UK has bilateral agreements with Ethiopia, which receives more UK aid than any ­other country. The UK doesn’t want to upset Ethiopia as it is the only ‘friendly’ nation in that area. The Ethiopians passed the death penalty in absentia in 2009, and in 2012 sentenced him to life in prison. There is no clemency, there is nothing at all.
“Ethiopia is an elected dictatorship, a repressive regime, but a staunch ally in the UK and US war on terror. It’s next to Yemen, next to Somalia. The UK is not applying the right kind of pressure. They are not outraged. They are just politely asking for consular access.”
A spokeswoman for the Ethiopian embassy said that Mr Tsege had been charged with terrorist offences for trying to overthrow the government. But Reprieve countered that Ginbot 7 is a “peaceful political opposition organisation dedicated to the promotion of democracy”.
A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: “We remain deeply concerned about Andargachew Tsege’s welfare and our lack of consular access to him since August 11. We continue to seek consular access, and are raising this at the highest levels.”

Ethiopia 2014: I Always Remember in November and in…

Oh, Cruel November 2005!I Always Remember in November

In 2005, Ethiopians faced unspeakable horrors. Following the parliamentary elections in May of that year, hundreds of Ethiopian citizens who protested the daylight theft of that election were massacred or seriously shot and wounded by police and security personnel under the exclusive command and control of the late regime leader Meles Zenawi. An official Inquiry Commission established by Zenawi documented that 193 unarmed men, women and children demonstrating in the streets and scores of other detainees held in a high security prison were intentionally shot and killed by police and security officials. An additional 763 were wounded**.
Every November since 2007, I have written consecratory (sanctifying) memorials in remembrance of the hundreds of innocent victims of the Meles Massacres. In my first memorial tribute in 2007,“Remember, the Ethiopian Martyrs of June and November, 2005 Forever!”, I reminded my readers that it was our moral duty “to bear witness for the dead and the living” in Ethiopia, to borrow a phrase from Elie Wiesel, the Holocaust survivor.Remember, the Ethiopian Martyrs of June and November, 2005 Forever!
We must remember the victims of the Meles Massacres because, as Elie Wiesel said, we have “no right to deprive future generations of a past that belongs to our collective memory. To forget would be not only dangerous but offensive; to forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time.”
I must confess that November is the cruelest month for me. If I could, I would skip straight from October to December. If I had the power, I would outlaw November. If there were no November, I would not have to remember. Mark Twain said, “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” He was wrong. If you tell the truth you remember everything, especially the lies, the cries, the crimes and the massacres.
It is important for me to remember and to tell the truth about the crimes against humanity committed by the late Meles Zenawi and his criminal enterprise known as the Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF). When Meles Zenawi ordered the massacre of hundreds of unarmed protesters in June and November 2005, he wanted to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Ethiopian people that he is so ruthless that he will kill, slash and burn on an INDUSTRIAL scale to keep himself and his TPLF in power forever. Meles Zenawi was an astute student of Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler: “The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don’t ask for their love; only for their fear.”Massacre by Meles Zenawi and his criminal enterprise
Meles and his TPLF gang have always used the weapon of terror from their days in the bush; and today they practice terror using their so-called anti-terrorism law. Meles sought to command respect by committing acts of unspeakable cruelty and depravity. He did not get respect; he got the contempt and derision of the overwhelming segment of the Ethiopian population. Meles and his gang always wanted to be feared. They are not feared; they are loathed and despised by the Ethiopian people. That is just the naked truth!
When Meles massacred the hundreds of unarmed protesters in 2005, he had no idea that he had transformed a detached and disengaged Ethiopian academic and lawyer some nine thousand miles from Addis Ababa, who had not been to Ethiopia in over three decades, to become his most implacable and unappeasable adversary and relentless critic. The Meles Massacres turned out to be defining moments in my life. I realized that even though I had permanently moved out of Ethiopia, Ethiopia had not permanently moved out of me. It has been said that in desperate times we either define the moment or the moment defines us. In my case, it was both.
I did not choose to be a human rights advocate; Meles Zenawi chose me when he ordered the massacre of those unarmed Ethiopians. I never chose to become a witness for the victims of the Meles Massacres; the victims of the Meles Massacre chose me to be their witness. That is why I have testified on their behalf before the court of world opinion every single Monday, without missing A SINGLE week, for eight years.
Before 2005, the late Meles Zenawi was just a miserable scalawag African dictator who did not even deserve my dismissive contempt; after he ordered the 2005 massacre, he became the apotheoses of evil, the Biblical Beast, in my mind. I must fight evil because evil never dies. I must fight evil above all because I have no doubts whatsoever in the final victory of good over evil.
I must remember the evil Meles Zenawi and his TPLF gang That’s why every November, I must remember. I must remember the evil of November, December, September, October….

Nigerian Commentator, Adeola, on the Eviction of Amhara People in Southern Ethiopia (Video)

Posted by: admin    Tags:      Posted DATE:  November 10, 2014  |  No comment

The Brussles Ethiopian Historical March! Nightmare at the Woyyane Embassy
Wondimu Mekonnen (PhD)
November 10, 2014
Nightmare at the Woyyane Embassy
The Woyyane (The TPLF) is a terrorist organisationi that is holding Ethiopia at ransom. Since the these criminals came to power, nothing changed in their wild behaviour. They were terrorists yesterday, they are terrorists today and unless they are stopped now, they wouldn’t change their behaviour in the future. The worsening brutality of the ethno-apartheid Woyyane (i.e. ethnic based black on black apartheid) regime has left Ethiopians with no option but to come together and resist tyranny of the worst kind in their history. As crackdown on the opposition members, journalists, religious leaders (both Christians and Muslims), and professional and human rights activists steps up, resistance is also rising to next level to defend the existence of oneself with more commitment and determination.
On 7th November 2014, this was the cause for the call of all Ethiopians to meet up in Brussels, the beautiful Belgian Capital CITY. The illegal and criminal abduction of Andargachew Tsege, General Secretary Ginbot 7 from Sana’a Airport was meant to scare-shock and silence the exiled community of Ethiopians to coil back into their shells but that was a wrong calculation on the part of the Woyyane. It proved otherwise.
The ethno-apartheid regime’s outrageous of series of abduction has ignited the fury of Ethiopians. They have been abducting the Oromo, the Ogadenese, the Gabellans from neighbouring counties. They have now upgraded that to the abducting an international air transport passenger. Will they get away with such blatant transgression of human rights? Their true colour is now exposed. Apart from the abduction, their murder squad has also been deployed in the cities of the World with diplomatic immunity. The recent brandishing of gun and shooting at demonstrators in Washington as we witnessed on 29 September 2014ii just a good example. That man has murdered SINGLE headedly during the 2005 election and before. Will we lie and day next day without resistance when they walk into our kitchen and murder us in exile tomorrow? No! Living under the yoke of fear is not life!
Protests and resistance are growing day by day, taking lessons from past mistakes and perfecting the means and methods of defending the Ethiopian interest, be it inside or outside the country. Woyyane (The TPLF – Tigray Peoples’ Looting Front) cannot continue governing by whining and dealing any more. The religious division be over. The ethnic politics is long rotten and should be abolished. When an Oromos is killed the Amara should protest. Ogadenese are our flesh and blood. We needed to wake up from our hypnotic stupors and rise up for resistance. Every ethnic group within the country are now aware the evil tactics of divide and rule. No more ruling Ethiopia by iron feast! Brussels! Thanks for hosting us!

Ethiopian Alliance in Europe

The November 7 Brussels demonstration in front of the EU Headquarters and the march to the Woyyane occupied Ethiopian Embassy was organised by “The Ethiopian United Task Force for Justice and Human Right in Europe” hereafter, “Task Force”, which is part and parcel of the global movement of Ethiopians for justice and democracy. Unity is power! Ethiopians are inching forward to create a formidable force to step up resistance to survive!
Earlier, on 5th September 2014, the same Task Force held a very huge and successful demonstration in Londoniii, Europe based Ethiopians in London, forcing the closure of Downing Street and creating traffic jam. The media that was ignoring the cry of passive Ethiopians now became alerted when their roads were jammed. We had to explain, peacefully and legally about how the British taxpayers’ MONEY has been used to keep dictatorship breathing in Ethiopia. The Brussels demonstration is the 2nd in the series of planned actions and demonstrations to expose atrocities committed by the Woyyane regime in Ethiopia and even in neighbouring countries against Ethiopians living there. An evidence of that includes, the abduction of Mr Sulub Ahmed and Ali Hussein from Nairobi on 26 January 2014 (by the way theywere there to negotiate peace with Woyyane), Okelo Akuayi Ipola from Juba (South Sudan) in June 2014 and Andargachew Tsege from Sanaa Airport (Yemen) on 22 June 2014iv. These acts are nothing but pure terrorism. When on earth can a terrorist can be trusted to become an ally against terrorismof the democratic word?
Ethiopians everywhere have risen up to expose the irony across cities of the world. The Task Force’s objective is to transform those local actions into united global action to bring the Woyyane on its knees and stop the murders, killings, maiming, abductions and illegal imprisonment of citizens anywhere and harassing of refugees throughout the world. Where did the Woyyane got all that power. For sure, that power came from the MONEY donated by West. To dry up the tears of mothers in Ethiopia, we need to dry the source of funding of tyranny.

The Brussels Schuman Square Demonstration

The objective of the demonstration at Schuman Square, the roundabout at the end of Rue de la Loi in Brussels, was to demand actions to be taken to tame the brutal dictatorial ethno-apartheid regime of Ethiopia, by the institutions of the European Union (EU), such as the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission. Wining and dining with the aggressors is not the way to do business. Quiet diplomacy does not work on Woyyane. MONEY talks!
These terrorists come from the bush 23 years ago and still acting wild. They don’t understand at all the meaning of peace, democracy and justice. It doesn’t exist for them. They want to rule by gun and fear. The scare mongering and fear factor goes beyond their own citizens. We have witnessed recently how the Prime Disaster of Ethiopia threatened BBCv and CNN journalists with arrest if the journalists keep on putting their noses in what they do.
The European Union cannot claim ignorance about what is going on in Ethiopia with regards to the gross violation of human rights in that country. Their own investigation was reported back to them by the EU Human Rights Committee on 24 September 2014vi, regarding the gross violation of human rights and atrocities committed against citizens in Ethiopia, with particular reference to the case of Andargachew Tsege, Zone 9 bloggers, journalists, human rights activists, Muslim leaders, Oromos, Ogadenesevii and political opponents. After all that deliberation, as the Chairwoman and Rt Hon Anna Gomez said, the EU Governments are not really doing enough rather than expressing “CONCERNS”. Woyyane is too uncivilised to understand the message behind “CONCERNS”. Real and tangible action is what understands. Particularly when it comes to MONEY to goes on its knees. We are not asking to march European army to protect the people from Ethiopia. Ethiopians can do that for themselves if need be. What is needed here is to stop bankrolling a regime that terrorises its people. However, EU and US Governments keep on sustaining the dictators in the name alliance against terrorism. Well, although we don’t expect the West learns lessons, Ethiopians just wanted to pay their attention to Burkina Faso. Comes the day, not money or guns of EU or USA would save dictators from the wrath of the people. The Woyyane came to power through blood shade; using money donated by kind hearted people to feed the starving but used it to buy deadly weapons. They will not be going anywhere as long as money keeps on pouring in from the West. Do the West know that these guys Albanian type communists?
We have learned that the human rights activists in the EU are so frustrated against their own governments for non-action. Of the record, all the government representatives admit that a quiet diplomacy is chosen with Ethiopia because if the EU take serious action to stop the brutality, the regime would go into the arms fold of the Chinese Government. Give me a break! The Chinese have already been in Ethiopia, working with the tyrant regime very closely in every area, including military, jamming of radios and televisions broadcastings, building roads for quick deployment of the army, banning of the internet and the social media, such as facebook, twitter and blogs. The TPLF (Woyyane) are unchanged communists. They are much closer the Chinese Communist part than any democratic parties in the world. However, the Chinese are not generous enough to bankroll Woyyane for ever. They are there to obtain resources. If the EU and USA borrow some guts from their historical ancestors, who were champions of democracy and justice in their countries, rather than unconditional provision of dollars, pounds and Euro in abundance to that regime, Woyyane would START respecting human rights for the sake of aide money. We are saying stop giving away taxpayers money to human rights abuser regimes. Is it too much to ask? Well, if that is too much, then just they have to sit back and wait until 90 million Ethiopians flee into exile and then knock at their doors seeking asylum, which many politicians are unashamedly using as their election manifesto. Let the West stop giving away the tax payers money to support a tyrants like that of Ethiopia and then no refugees risk pershing in the seas and deserts to reach here. Had there been no murderous regime in power, Ethiopia is not a country to run from, but to run to. That was the message Ethiopians wanted to deliver to the EU Governments.
As atrocities are stepped up, Ethiopians are rising up too, united, to use every means available to them to get rid of tyranny. In line with that, those of us, who were exiled to escape from persecution in our homeland reached Europe, have the moral obligation to the people left behind to become the voice for the voiceless millions of Ethiopians under the yoke of repression. Protests and demonstrations are the only legitimate means available to the Diaspora, and Ethiopians shall pursue vigorously their peaceful goal, while others in the country would defend themselves by any means necessary. No one condemns those who to took up arms in the country because they had no other option to combat tyranny. There is no political space for the opposition to struggle peacefully. Win election, you will be jailed for treason! Woyyane has got total monopoly on power!
On 07 November 2014, Ethiopians from Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Netherland, France, Italy, Luxemburg, Germany and The United Kingdom traveled to Belgium to join their compatriots living there with one mission on their minds. All flocked to Brussels to pass the cry of their people, to hold EU Governments responsible for lengthening the suffering of that nation, by ignoring people’s cries and bankrolling their tormentors. Of course these voices are not in vain. Peaceful struggle may not produce a quick fix, but slow and agonising. However it is an indispensible part of overall struggle. These activities are bearing fruits in the United Kingdom. International Human Rights organisations residing in the UK, such as, Amnesty Internationalviii, Human Rights Watchix, the Frontline, Pen International, Reprieve, Redress, are holding the UK Government responsible for the suffering of the Ethiopian people by the supporting the human rights violators in Ethiopia. Giant newspapers, such as the Independentx, The Guardianxi, and The Daily Mailxii are questioning the government’s wisdom on the financing of the human rights violators in Ethiopia with the tax payers MONEY. This has forced the UK Government, to withhold at least a token money of £2 million to fund masters degrees for 75 Woyyane officialsxiii. PM David Cameron has written Prime Disaster Hailemariam Dessalegn his “concern” about the arrest, disappearance of a British citizen Andargachew Tsege.xiv
The demonstration had media coverage. Belgian journalists were there from the START to the end, with their cameramen and reporters. We know about that because we talked to them. One of the wonderful things about them was that two journalists this writer met did not need any explanation about what is going on Ethiopia because they knew more than I knew regarding human rights violations in Ethiopia. The two European ESAT teams were there. The Amsterdam office came with journalists Fasil Yenelem, Afeworq Agidew and their cameraman. The London office was represented by Metasebia Qetsela and Wondimagegn Gashu. DW German Radio was reporting from the spot through Gebeyaw Negussie.
The demonstration at Schuman Square was well organised and coordinated. The organisers made sure everything was executed with precision. The messages were clearly heard and the posters were seen and read by thousands of local people. Leaflets were distributed and briefings given by activists to whoever wanted to know more. That noisy demonstration at the EU offices was the biggest and loudest. EU staffs were attracted and came out of their offices to find out what was going on. Pictures of Andargachew Tesege, Eskinder Nega, Reeyot Alemu, Woubshet Taye, Olbana Lelissa, Temesgen Dessalegn, Andualem Arage,Nathnael Mekonnen, Mitiku Damte, Yeshiwas Yehunalem, Kinfemichale Deebe, Andualem Ayalew, Yohannes Terefe, Zerihun Gebre-Egziabher, Abraha Desta, 5 Mulim leaders and many others prisoners were displayed.
The office of Signora Federicia
Around 3:00 p.m. two petition letters were submitted to the office of Signora Federicia Mogherini – High Representative of European Union for FOREIGN AFFAIRS and Member of European Parliament, Rt Hon. Mrs Ana Maria Gomes. Earlier, Yemi (Andargachew’s wife) and Bizuwork (Andargachew’s sister) talked to official of EU, regarding gross violation of human rights in general and Andargachew in particular.
One of the amazing images at Shuman Schuman Square was a coffin carried by two Ethiopians. On it was written: “Justice is dead in Ethiopia! Freedom is Dead, Democracy is Dead!”. The following SHORT clip shows how the demonstrator conveyed the message to EU. That coffin later was damped at the Woyyane occupied Ethiopian Embassy which will be describe later.
Another sight the attracted onlookers the actions of four Ethiopians youth in orange prisoners’ clothes. They kneeled down in the middle of the road surprising the Police and the onlookers with crossed hands above their heads symbolising the fact that that the whole nation was prison. That symbolic action of the demonstrators attracted a large crowd, to watch them and find out what was going on. Cars stopped, hooted their horns in support. Woyyane is exposed at the most important place source of its mony! Its brutality was exhibited both pictorially and symbolically like the youth did.
The march to the Woyyane occupied Ethiopian Embassy
The Ethiopian embassy in Brussels is about 15 good minutes walk from Schuman Square. At about 3:30 p.m., the demonstrators STARTED marching to the embassy. Although the demonstrators marched through Parc du Cinquantenaire the noise remained deafening. From the front, one can barely see the middle of the line, although the demonstrators were walking in four lines, singing and shouting slogans. Those in the park were stunned and were watching with wide opened eyes. Although the Police tried to keep traffic disruption at minimum, truly
speaking it did not help them much due to a huge number of the crowed and long lines of well ordered marchers. The roads leading to Avenue de l’Yser, Avenue des Gaulois, Avenue des Celtes and Avenue de Tervuren were blocked. Traffic was halted, trams stopped moving for almost froze, and the residents of the quiet area shocked for witnessing such a noisy protest along that line for the first time in their area.!
The march to the Woyyane occupied Ethiopian Embassy.
The former Ethiopian Embassy, now occupied by the Woyyane gangsters is located on Avenue de Tervuren 62. When the front line of demonstrators arrivedmarchers were confused confused because although there were flags of other Embassies hoisted high on the buildinga, no Woyyane Ambasha flag to be seen anywhere. The writing on the wall was small. Until the Belgium resident Ethiopians arrived to guide no one where to look. The demonstrators were shocked to find the Woyyane flag with Ambasha emblem in the middle was actually brought down from its mast, left on the 2nd floor, still some parts of it attached to the mast as could be witnessed from the following picture.
The demonstrators were shocked to find the Woyyane flag with Ambasha emblem in the middle
That was incredible! Somebody had taken it down but failed to remove it from the mast and left it as a trash! Well, so much for Woyyane, who had designated a “Flag Day!” (ድንቄም “የባንዲራ ቀን”). They dishonoured their flag with their own emblem on it. They reject it! We don’t know what had happened, really. If somebody from the inside did it in solidarity with us, we simply say “Good job!” Anyway, as diplomats keep defecting, we will soon know the whole story when one of them defects from AMSTERDAM. Just watch it.
After all the demonstrators gathered at the Embassy gate, all that was left was to storm the Embassy and try to hoist the true right flag on the mast. We did expect one of the Woyyane thugs to come out and START shoot at the demonstrators, but it did not happen this time. Leave alone coming out to confront the demonstrators, they were nowhere to be seen. They shut the doors and windows and remained out of sight. The demonstrators broke the Police barrier, and rushed to the front door. Everyone poured in. Some demonstrators managed to pass the Police to smash through the locked door. The Police wrestled with them. And yet, the demonstrators had managed dumped the Coffin at the door reading “Justice is dead in Ethiopia! Democracy is dead! Freedom is dead”, murdered by Woyyane thugs. That was the message to be delivered and it was done with precision. The Police did not remove the coffin. They left it there. More and more riot Police arrived and joined the skirmish. An Ethiopian girl fought her way with the Police, past the force and hoisted the true flag on the fence, which is only about a couple of meters from the entrance door. Police bundled her back, among the shouts and screams. Still be it for few minutes, Ethiopians still managed to hoist the true flag by the Embassy building as it can be seen here in the picture above.
Ethiopians managed to hoist the true flag by the Embassy building
Once points were successfully made, and Woyyane officials buried themselves like a scared mice behind closed door, windows and curtain, only one thing was left. To avoid arrests, the organisers begged the demonstrators to go back to their line. Interestingly, that large crowed decided to listen to the organisers at once. Where the Police failed to manage the large crowed with all that huge force, the organisers managed to achieved it with simple instructions to move back.
Close to 4:30 p.m., the demonstrators decided to call it a day. The nightmare at 62 Avenue de Tervuren, was over in an hour battle with the Police. No one was arrested or hurt.
The majority went straight to a meeting hall to discuss on the next move and strategy. There is a unanimous agreement among the demonstrators that European cities should not be safe to any Woyyane official coming from Addis. The rest of the demonstrators rushed to the train stations and Airport to TRAVELback to the countries they came from.
The Brussels protest has been a success. Our Brussels Task Force branch headed by Gebeyehu Desta need to be commended for organising and CATERING for the needs of all those demonstrators from all European countries.
For more pictures and videos, please go